Chico Xavier
Lançamento desconhecida (2h 05min)
Dirigido por Daniel Filho
Gênero Outros
Nacionalidade Brasil
Crítica - Liza Brasil
Para quem achava que este seria apenas um filme falando sobre o espiritismo, enganou-se. O filme conta a história de um dos homens de maior coragem, determinação, fé, caridade e amor ao próximo. Um verdadeiro exemplo de vida, de se fechar para o imoral, o desperdicio, a luxúria e o egoísmo.
Grandes heróis marcam a história de um povo. Mas o que se vê nas grandes literaturas são homens que mancham a terra de sangue com as suas conquistas. Este homem devotou sua vida aos outros e o único sangue que derramou foi o de si mesmo durante seus esforços em cumprir sua missão. Suas palavras de fé e otimismo continuam vivas em meio a milhares de pessoas.
O amor ao qual sempre pregou é o mesmo amor a que inúmeras religiões se referem. Amai-vos uns aos outros. Vale a pena assistir e comentar sobre o filme,com conhecimento de causa. Como espírita convicta que sou, afirmo que este filme fará até mesmo os mais céticos se emocionarem com a relação de amor de Chico e o mundo que o cerca. Sem sombra de dúvida o filme vale muito mais do que dez estrelas!!
Critical - Liza Brazil
For those who thought that this was only a movie talking about spiritualism, was mistaken. The film tells the story of one of the greatest men of courage, determination, faith, charity and love of neighbor. A real life example, from turningto immoral, wasteful, lust and selfishness.
Great heroes have marked the history of a people. But what you see in the greatliteratures are men of blood stain the earth with their achievements. This mandevoted his life to others and the only blood that was shed for himself during his efforts to fulfill its mission. His words of faith and optimism are still alive in the midst of thousands of people.
The love which is always preached the same love that many religions refer. Love each other. It's worth watching and commenting on the film, knowingly. As aspiritualist I am convinced, I say that this movie will make even the most skeptical if emocionarem relationship with the love of Chico and the world around him.Without a doubt the movie is worth more than ten stars!
For those who thought that this was only a movie talking about spiritualism, was mistaken. The film tells the story of one of the greatest men of courage, determination, faith, charity and love of neighbor. A real life example, from turningto immoral, wasteful, lust and selfishness.
Great heroes have marked the history of a people. But what you see in the greatliteratures are men of blood stain the earth with their achievements. This mandevoted his life to others and the only blood that was shed for himself during his efforts to fulfill its mission. His words of faith and optimism are still alive in the midst of thousands of people.
The love which is always preached the same love that many religions refer. Love each other. It's worth watching and commenting on the film, knowingly. As aspiritualist I am convinced, I say that this movie will make even the most skeptical if emocionarem relationship with the love of Chico and the world around him.Without a doubt the movie is worth more than ten stars!